Bank ATM support and repair services are also provided through the business partner of Siraf Tech, which has more than 40 service points throughout the country located in provinces and cities by name of International Fanavaran Eghtesad Siraf Co.

Siraf International Economics Technologists Company operates as a General Contractor in the fields of finance, banking, payment and information technology. By employing its expert and experienced staff who have brilliant records in the fields of economics, banking, information technology, and payment.

This company has the capability of appropriate, perform, consulting and implementation in the mentioned fields. The company can also meet the support needs of banks and payment companies across the country, due to its facilities such as provincial offices and trained technical staff in supporting payment devices such as various types of POS and ATM.

Pishro Fanavaran Siraf Company, with domestic investment in Iran and application of technical knowledge, young forces, has been able to establish a factory in Parand Industrial City in Markazi Province on a land area of ​​10,000 square meters, 70,000 ATMs. , To produce all kinds of card readers and all kinds of store cash registers with international brands.

Head Office: U. 8, 4th FLR., No. 10, Tehran

Phone Number : 02141032000

Factory: Saveh Road, Zarandieh County, Parandak Town, Mehdi Parandak Industrial Town, Sanat Blvd., No. 17

All rights of this site belong to Pishro Fanavaran Siraf Company
